Thursday, 5 March 2015

Shoot 2 - work diary

Inspiration and my shoot:
The inspiration behind this shoot came from the photographer 'Caesar Limo' who was one of my photographers that I researched. One of her photographs appear interesting to me and therefore I decided to try it out. The photograph that inspired me is the photograph found to the left. The shot features a woman who is making a pose and has a shot of landscape in her body. I think that this photograph is something that works really well and therefore I was keen to try to see if I could do it. My shoot consisted of my model who stood in front of a grey background. I asked her to complete a variety of different poses including the use of body/arm movement to allow for me to be able to fill in the spaces. I decided to do this because I thought that it would capture some good shots that could be adapted and therefore would work really well. Overall, I thinkt that this shoot was quite successful because I was able to incorporate the night-time London photographs into the model's photographs to create one final photograph. I think that the majority of edits I completed came out well and I think that they looked different and interesting. I enjoyed shooting the two parts to the shoot because I was able to express what I wanted/needed and put that into the shots. The final photographs were what I was aiming to achieve and I enjoyed completing this shoot because I hadn't done anything like this previously. 

My work:
This photograph was one that I thought would look good when completed. The first shot I captured was a side-view of the London Eye and buildings when it was light up at night time. The second shot I captured was of the model as she covered her eyes with her hand. I decided to place the London shot inside of her hand because I thought it would be interesting and different. When looking at the colour difference between the hand and face, it does look a little strange but I decided to keep it like that because the London shot was taken at night and therefore would not look as good if the background colour changed. I think that this shot is different and works well because it doesn't fill up the model's entire body so therefore doesn't overpower the photograph. I think that placing the model's hand in front of her eyes is a good way of showing body movement/positioning because she is not just standing still and so the shot itself is unusual. In terms of editing, I decided to lower the opacity of the London shot so that it doesn't take the attention away from the model. By lowering the opacity, it allows for the shot to blend better into the photograph rather than just standing out - which would not look as good. 

This photograph was one of my least favourites shots from the shoot. This is due to the fact that the night sky makes the bottle appear darker and therefore it is harder for the London Eye to be seen as well. The first shot found within this photograph is of the model who can be seen to be placing the bottle in front of her right side. This therefore allows for you to only see the left side of her face which indicates that she is looking at the bottle. The second shot is a photograph which contained the building and the London Eye. During the editing stage, I decided to erase the rest of the shot and only keep the London Eye because it was the most important part. I then dragged it onto the model photograph and scaled it to ensure that it fit and was the correct size for the bottle.  I think that the whole idea of placing the London Eye in the bottle was good but trying to complete that idea was a little harder. This is because it doesn't look that realistic and is hard for the audience to see the London Eye well enough. Although the night time shot makes it harder to see the London Eye, it also makes it look better because it was lit up in a bright red colour and therefore looks quite cool. If I were to re-do this photograph, I would try to capture the London Eye in the daytime to see if it would look more realistic and professional. 

Evaluation and development:
I think that this shoot was a success because I captured photographs similar to Caesar Limo which was my intended aim for the shoot. I think that I was able to follow her photograph and become inspired from it. I think that if were to continue on with this idea, I would mix it up by using different locations and the amount of models used. In terms of what I would like to do for my next shoot, I would like to focus on another photographer which I had researched like I did with Caesar. The photographer I am going to focus on is called 'Yago Partal'. I decided to focus on Yago because his work is also interesting and different - similar to Caesar's unusual portraits. 

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