Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Shoot 1 - work diary

Inspiration and my shoot:
The inspiration behind this shoot came from a photograph that I had found while researching existing unusual portraits. The photograph showed a man standing in front of a background and showed him to blowing a bubblegum bubble. I thought that it would be quite interesting to complete a shoot based on this shot. This is due to the fact that it looked unusual and different but appealing at the same time. My shoot consisted of three different people. The first was me, but I struggled to manage talking 'selfies' because of the timer on the camera. The second was Beth who had some success blowing the bubbles. But, the main person who featured in the majority of the photographs was Addy, due to the fact that she had the most success in terms of blowing some decent sized bubbles. Overall, I think that the bubble blowing shoot was interesting and different to complete because although it was fairly straightforward and simple, it worked well and looked intriguing. Although there was difficulty  at the start of the photo shoot, I think that it became more successful as it went on.

My work:
This was one of my favourite of my favourite photographs from this shoot. For this particular photograph, I decided to place nine separate shots together into one. The left three shots consist of the model blowing a bubble, while facing to the left of the shot. The middle three shots show the model facing towards the camera while blowing a bubble and the three shots on the right show the model blowing a bubble, while facing to the right. I decided to do this because it made it look interesting and more appealing. I also placed the three separate columns specifically to indicate that she is blowing a bubble and making it bigger. I think that this worked really well and the contrast in the colour between the model and background allowed for her to stand out well. The bubble's outline was a green colour while the inside was see-through. The outline helped the bubble to stand out against the white/grey background.  

This photograph was one of my least favourites because of positioning of the model. The model had tried to blow a bubble and she found it hard to do so. The model's head has been placed forward and her shoulders have been hunched up. This makes the photograph appear unprofessional and therefore ruins the appearance of the shot. I think that it was difficult to capture the model blowing a bubble without seeing her struggle to blow up the bubble. I do think that there are elements that work well in the shot. I think that the model's hair and clothing stands out well against the light background, due to the fact that they were darker. I think that if I were to re-do this shot, I would try to capture her not moving so much to make the appearance look more professional. 

Evaluation and development:
I think that overall, I achieved the aim of the shoot. This is due to the fact that I photographed my models attempting to blow some bubbles. Although at the start of the shoot it didn't go so well, towards the middle I was able to capture some decent sized bubbles that stood out against the background. I also used multiple imagery during this shoot to show the different angles and sizes of the bubbles. This was something that I said I wanted to feature during my discussion and  If I were to develop this photo shoot further, I would try to use a variety of different coloured bubblegum to allow for the different coloured outlines to work well. I would also try a lot more angles and attempt at having two models blowing a bubble within one shot. 

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