Friday, 22 May 2015

Shoot 9 - work diary

Inspiration and my shoot:
The inspiration behind this shoot comes from the famous photographer Alexander Khokhlov. He is the photographer that I decided to concentrate on in the previous shoot and I thought it would be a good idea to expand on his work. I had seen a shot of a woman whose face was painted in black and white. I thought that it would be interesting to create a pattern with the black and white paint on my model. For the shoot. I used black and white to put four squares on her face. I decided to put the same colours opposite one another so that it would create a diagonal effect. This was done because I thought it would look quite interesting and really different. I then photographed her in and around trees and on a field. I thought that these locations would be good because of the contrast in colours with the face paint. I think that this photo shoot was something interesting and it was fun to do - similar to the previous one. The use of trees in the background and foreground within some of the shots worked really well and I am happy with the outcome of the majority of the photographs within this shoot.

My work:
 This photograph was one of my favourites from my shoot. I think that it is one of my favourites because it worked really well in terms of colour contrast. I think the black and white had a high contrast against the green leaves and bright orange top. The colours immediately catch your eye and grab your attention. The face paint is then the object/item that keeps the audience's attention on the photograph. This is one of the reasons why I like this photograph. I think that having the tree branch/leaves in front of the photograph works really well because it uses foreground blurring to ensure that the model is in focus and doesn't look blurry. In terms of editing, I decided to adjust the levels and curves within this photograph to make sure that the lighting looked quite good. I also used the paint brush tool in both black and white and went over the face area to ensure that the lines were as straight as possible and that the face didn't look too unprofessional. I think that if I were to re-do this photograph, I would try to get the model to look at the camera and see exactly what that makes the appearance of the photograph look like. 

This photograph was one of my least favourites from the shoot. This is due to the fact that the model is looking at the camera with a silly look on her face and is therefore not being serious about the shoot. The photograph is also not my favourite because of the blurring of the leaves at the far bottom of the photograph. It makes the audience distracted and therefore their attention is not put on her face. I think that the positioning of the trees in the left hand third of the photograph works really well and looks good alongside the leaves at the top and right thirds of the shot. In terms of editing, I tried to crop out the leaves within the bottom of the shot but it did not look well (based on proportion) and therefore I decided to leave this photograph. If I were to re-do this photograph, I would ensure that the leaves within the bottom third of the shot were in focus - or not within the shot at all. I would also wait until my model was ready to shoot so that her facial expression would be more professional and work well within the photograph. 

Evaluation and development:
In terms of being successful, I think that the shoot reached the intended aim and followed on well from the previous coloured face paint shoot. I think that if I were to develop this shoot further, I would try to establish different images that could be painted onto the face and try to do these (similar work to Alexander). For my next shoot, I am going to take inspiration from 'The Slow Mo Guys' who create videos in slow motion on Youtube as this is something completely different and something that would look interesting as a final shoot.

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