Friday, 24 April 2015

Shoot 6 - work diary

Inspiration and my shoot:
The inspiration for this shoot came from the photographer 'Caesar Lima'. I came across this photograph on their website and decided that it would be interesting to try and manipulate the idea found within the shot. The idea of having lines/scratches along and around the eye area was something that was different and intriguing. For my shoot, I decided to use a blonde and pale skinned model to allow for the lines to stand out a lot more. Within the shoot I had two different backgrounds that were experimented on. The first background that was experimented on the most was the grey. I decided to try and make the model's eye lines stand out well against the background. The second background that I experimented on was the black. I decided to use the black purely because of the nature of the model's hair and her pale skin allowed for her to stand out really well against the background. Although the background was the same colour as the lines around her eyes, the background was a lot darker so enabled contrast between all the colours used. In terms of my shoot, I think that it was quite interesting to complete due to the fact that it was different and not particularly something I would usually of completed. I think that the outcome of the photographs are good and they capture the model and the lines found beside and around her eyes. 

My work:

This photograph was one of my least favourite photographs. This was due to the fact that the model did not look aggressive enough. I had asked her to try to look fierce for the shot but she struggled to be confident enough in front of the camera. Another thing I do not like about this photograph is the hand/arm seen in the left-hand side of the shot. The arm/hand looks sloppy and does not look fixed/intimating. It gives the photograph's appearance a bit of a 'laid back' and 'cute' atmosphere - which was not the intention of the shot. The worst part of this photograph is the fact that the top of the shot cuts out some of her forehead as well as some of the drawn on lines above her eyes. I think that the black background works really well though and does make her stand out well. I think that if i were to re-do this photograph, I would ensure that the model's forehead isn't cut out of the shot and try to make her more comfortable - so that she could become more fierce and aggressive within the shot. 

This photograph is one of my favourite photographs from the spike shoot. This is due to the fact that the photograph cuts off the at the perfect place (it ensured that there wasn't too much empty forehead space within the shot). The positioning of the model is something that I also like. The model is slightly off-centred to the right. This looks quite effective because it is not extremely noticeable but still works well. I decided to put the model in a bandeau to make it appear like she wasn't wearing anything in the photographs. This shot was an example of this. It appears to the audience that she is not wearing clothes and therefore makes you question why. I also like the way the model is looking. She is not looking directly at the camera but is instead looking to the back left of the camera. This creates a 'mystery' as to what she is looking at as well as creating a serious atmosphere. In terms of editing, I adjusted the levels and curves to ensure that it was light enough for the audience to look at. I also added two new layers to the photograph - one was for her lipstick and the other was for the lines on her face. I decided to put lipstick on her to make her lips lips stand out within the shot. I also went over the lines that I drew on her with a paintbrush in Photoshop to make them stand out against the pale skin. I think that the overall outcome was quite good and was something different.  

                                                       Evaluation and development:
I think that the aim was achieved during this shoot due to the fact that I had manipulated the original photograph that I saw and interrupted it my own way. I think that the shoot was a success in terms of trying to make it my own by putting my own spin on it. It terms of development, I think that I want to continue to find inspiration from Caesar Limo and continue the make-up theme that has been present. I am going to find inspiration from another one of Caesar's photographs and try to interrupt it. 

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