Inspiration and my shoot: During my time completing research for my topic 'unusual portraits', I came across a uncommon photograph of a man who was putting make-up. I immediately thought that I wanted to do a shoot based on this photograph because it caught my attention and was intriguing. This is something that I wanted to do because of how it made me react. I would like to try to re-create photographs like this because I want to intrigue other people when they look at them. During my shoot, I used a man how was seen to be putting on make-up, including things like lipstick, mascara, powder and eyeliner etc. I decided to do this idea in front of a white background to make the make-up stand out more. The white background worked quite well and I think it highlighted the colours used. I think that having a male model was difficult because he was not aware of how to apply make-up and therefore I had to continually stop shooting to place the make-up on him or instruct him on how to do so. I think that this took up a lot of time but he eventually managed to understand how each piece of make-up was used. I think that
My work:
This photograph shows the model looking directly at the camera.I think that this photograph is one of my favourites because it creates a 'sassy' look. The model can be seen to be putting blusher on his right cheek. The model's facial expression is similar to that of a typical woman who is applying blusher/powder to their face. I decided not to position the model in the centre and positioned him to the right of the shot - allowing for space in the left third of the photograph. I thought that this photograph was really good because of the use of make-up tools and applying it to the face (something that is not common for a male). In terms of editing, I decided that the original shot was too dark and therefore adjusted the levels and curves to make the overall appearance of the shot stand out more. It was also important that I made the make-up stand out well enough for the audience to see clearly. I therefore used Photoshop to make the make-up more defined. I created a new layer and choose a similar lipstick colour and went over his lips (changing the opacity so that it is not too much). I also then created a new layer and applied some blusher using paint and changed the opacity of that layer too. I think that this made my photograph look better because it made it easier for the audience to see what was going on within the shot.
This photograph was one of my least favourites from this particular shoot. This was due to the fact that although we can see that he was advertising some sort of product (presumably the lipstick) it was not made obvious in this shot. I originally thought that wearing the lipstick and holding the lipstick would work well, it didn't work so well in the photograph. This is because of the fact that the lipstick container was the same colour as the model's jumper and therefore they blended into one another - it made it harder for the audience to establish what the model was promoting. In terms of editing, I did adjust the levels and curves to see if this would change the overall appearance of the photograph. Unfortunately, this did not work and I didn't have much else to do to the shot to try and make it better/more appealing. This is therefore another reason why I did not lim the photograph. I do however, think that the off-centre positioning of the models works really well and makes it look a little different.
Evaluation and development: I think that this shoot wasn't one of my best as I found it difficult to encourage the model to be more feminine. In terms of unusual portraits, I think that I achieved the aim because of the subject being male. Males do not commonly put make-up on and therefore I thought it was different. In terms of being successful, I think that this shoot didn't do it for me. I think that I work best on females and therefore for my next shoot I am going to feature a female who has make-up on her face. I am going to focus on Caesar Limo who I have previously been inspired by. I am going to follow a photograph which I saw of her which uses make-up in the studio.
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